When registering please make the following selections:
You are expected to attend all these sessions during each week.
Note COMP1126 and COMP1127 are offered in the same semester, share the same timeslots , and do NOT clash.
COMP1126 is offered during the first six weeks of the semester, and COMP1127 is offered during the last six weeks of the semester.
Primary tutorials usually occur between Monday and midday Wednesday. Secondary tutorials usually occur between midday Wednesday and Friday.
If you are doing both courses in the same semester, you should register for the same lectures, tutorials and lab time for both courses (ie. COMP1126 and COMP1127)
Example registration for COMP1126/COMP1127
NB. All first year Computing Courses are offered in semesters 1 and 2, however COMP1126 and COMP1127 are prerequisites for COMP1161. Therefore we recommend that incoming students intending to obtain a computing degree register for COMP1126 and COMP1127 in semester 1 and COMP1161 in semester 2. COMP1210 and COMP1220 can be done in any semester based on your schedule and workload.