When registering for Computing courses, you will note that all five level 1 COMP coded Computing courses are offered in both semesters. You should, however, bear in mind that COMP1161 has pre-requisites COMP1126 and COMP1127, and is offered in semester 1 to support students that were not able to complete it in semester 2 of the previous academic year. The normal path for an incoming student is, therefore, to register for COMP1126 and COMP1127 in semester 1 and register for COMP1161 in semester 2. Note that COMP1126 runs for the first half of a semester, and COMP1127 runs for the second half, so they share the same timeslots and do not clash.
You can register for COMP1210 (Math for Computing) and COMP1220 (Computing and Society) in either semester, but it is often advisable to distribute the load and take one of them per semester. Note that historically, individuals who perceived a math course to be challenging have often preferred to register for COMP1210 in the first semester. You can also note that the Department of Computing counts credits earned by a pass in MATH1152 as having passed COMP1210. (Bear in mind the converse does not apply - COMP1210 credits cannot be applied to Math courses).
It is also very important to note that completing COMP1161 REQUIRES A PASS IN BOTH COMP1126 AND COMP1127. If at the beginning of the second semester, you discover that you had not passed either of the pre-requisites for COMP1161, you are to adjust your registration to drop COMP1161 and register for the missing pre-requisite. (Please note that a few weeks into the second semester, it is normal that a program be executed in the Student Records System which adjusts registrations to ensure there are no pre-requisite violations. If you find yourself in the situation, it is advisable not to forget to be proactive in adjusting your registration. You should also attend the appropriate classes to avoid wasting time.)
It is understood that the results of the Summer 2020 CAPE exams have been delayed. If you are waiting on those results to obtain a unit 2 pass, the system will give a message stating that there is a pre-requisite error while registering. Go ahead and register, and request an override.
COMP1126 and COMP1127 require a pass in both CAPE units of a "Lab Science" subject or Math. If you are not certain that a course in which you have acquired both CAPE units is an acceptable pre-requisite, please consult the FST office. COMP1161 requires a pass in COMP1126 and COMP1127, however, you are allowed to register for it at the beginning of the year.
The courses COMP1126, COMP1127 and COMP1161 all have three components, namely lectures, labs and tutorials (one primary and one secondary). In order to complete registration for those courses, you need to link all three components to your registration. For COMP1126/27, please also ensure that your time slots are consistent throughout the semester.
COMP1210 AND COMP1220 have two components, namely lectures and tutorials. Generally, lectures will introduce topics and concepts, and tutorials are aimed at further investigation into those topics to attain deeper understanding, so it is very important to attend tutorials. Courses that have primary and secondary tutorials (eg.COMP1126, COMP1127) will cover different material in primary and secondary tutorials, and the material of subsequent tutorials will often build on that of earlier sessions. Most lecturers will post tutorial questions before the session, and will expect that the student will have attempted the questions, in order to be able to clear up any misunderstandings during the tutorial session.
If the quota has been fully utilized, you should look for a different time slot in which to register.
Most courses UWI carry three(3) credits. Verify the number of credits associated with each course in which you are interested on the department website or Faculty handbook that defines the course. If you are a full-time student, you are required to register for 33 to 36 credits for the academic year, as well as foundation courses. Part-time students are required to register for 24 credits per year plus foundation courses.
As a student in the Faculty of Science and Technology(FST), you are required to obtain a minimum of 18 first year in-faculty credits (a total of 24 credits from any faculty) to matriculate to the second year (ie. you must pass the associated courses). There is however one exception, which is that the BSc Information Technology programme (BSc. IT) requires 15 in-faculty credits(note that with the IT programme, you cannot declare a minor). The implication, therefore, is that (apart from the BSc. IT) programme, students are required to register for first year (Level 1) courses in at least two FST departments. This means that for normal entry to level 1, students are expected to have acquired unit 2 of two science subjects at CAPE. If you are not certain that a course in which you have acquired both CAPE units is an acceptable pre-requisite, please consult the FST office.
We know that you will work hard and do well, however, if something goes wrong and you fail a course that you need to complete your degree, you are allowed to retake it up to three times. It is also very important to note that completing COMP1161 REQUIRES A PASS IN BOTH COMP1126 AND COMP1127. If at the beginning of the second semester, you discover that you had not passed either of the pre-requisites for COMP1161, you are to adjust your registration to drop COMP1161 and register for the missing pre-requisite. (Please note that a few weeks into the second semester, it is normal that a program be executed in the Student Records System which adjusts registrations to ensure there are no pre-requisite violations. If you find yourself in the situation, it is advisable not to forget to be proactive in adjusting your registration. You should also attend the appropriate classes to avoid wasting time.)
As a student in the Faculty of Science and Technology(FST), you are required to obtain a minimum of 18 first year in-faculty credits (a total of 24 credits from any faculty) to matriculate to the second year (ie. you must pass the associated courses). There is however one exception, which is that the BSc Information Technology programme (BSc. IT) requires 15 in-faculty credits(note that with the IT programme, you cannot declare a minor). The implication, therefore, is that (apart from the BSc. IT) programme, students are required to register for first year (Level 1) courses in at least two FST departments. This means that for normal entry to level 1, students are expected to have acquired both units of two science subjects at CAPE. COMP1126 and COMP1127 require a pass in both units of a "Lab Science" subject or Math. If you are not certain that a course in which you have acquired a pass at both CAPE units is an acceptable pre-requisite, please consult the FST office.
There are however several paths that are available to obtain a Computing degree if not yet holding two lab science subjects or Math...
It is understood that the results of the Summer 2020 CAPE exams have been delayed. If you are waiting on those results to obtain a unit 2 pass, the system will give a message stating that there is a pre-requisite error while registering. Go ahead and register, and request an override.
Please bear in mind that SWEN coded level 1 courses are intended for students in the BSc Mobile Applications Programme, and all other Computing students should register ONLY FOR COMP coded level 1 courses.
Generally, lectures will introduce topics and concepts, and tutorials are aimed at further investigation into those topics to attain deeper understanding, so it is very important to attend tutorials. Courses that have primary and secondary tutorials (eg.COMP1126, COMP1127) will cover different material in primary and secondary tutorials, and the material of subsequent tutorials will often build on those of earlier sessions. Most lecturers will post tutorial questions before the session, and will expect that students will have attempted the questions, in order to be able to clear up any misunderstandings during the tutorial session.