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The Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy (DLLP for short) provides a diversified learning environment, including programmes in linguistics and in philosophy at the undergraduate and graduate levels; Academic Literaciess/English language foundation courses; and English writing and speech courses at the intermediate and advanced levels. The DLLP also houses two English language testing centres: the English Language Proficiency Test Unit and the IELTS Examination Centre for Jamaica. Finally, the DLLP includes a Writing Centre and the Jamaican Language Unit, which operates a research centre.
Guided practice and reflection help students think critically and creatively and develop communicative competence in using English language.
Studying linguistics is not a matter of learning different languages, but rather it is the study of language in general.
Philosophy is concerned with sustained reflection on central questions of human existence and experience.
The Department offers a major in Philosophy and a range of majors in Linguistics, concentrating on the study of language, communication, and education. You may also take courses with us to enhance your critical thinking skills and English Language communicative competence, as well as take electives or declare a minor in any of our subject areas. Finally, the Department offers Diploma options in Caribbean Sign Language Interpreting and in Public Service Interpreting.
The next sitting of the English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) will be on Friday, April 21, 2023.