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The members of the English Language Section (ELS) believe that effective communication contributes to a successful life. We are therefore dedicated to equipping students with effective communication tools.
Our courses focus on written and oral communication in a variety of formal contexts, and they afford students opportunities to practice communicating with imagined and real audiences. The ELS Foundation (FOUN) courses help new students develop academic literacies for transitioning effectively into communicating well in their disciplines while our English Language (LANG) courses help senior students develop professional literacies.
We welcome you to this website and invite you to peruse it for information about our courses. It provides all you need to know about the academic requirements for doing the specific courses, the faculties and programmes you must be enrolled in to be able to register for specific courses and the semesters in which the courses are offered. This site also provides a link to the Writing Centre, a powerful resource centre that guarantees improvement in writing skills. Have a look around!