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M.Sc. in Speech-Language Pathology

M.Sc. in Speech-Language Pathology

Programme Overview

The M.Sc. in Speech-Language Pathology is a professional training programme designed to equip fully functional speech-language pathologists. Such professionals are needed throughout the Caribbean region to treat with the language and speech disabilities of both adults and children.  The programme will be offered through collaboration between the Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities & Education and the Department of Child and Adolescent Health in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. The programme is expected to be coordinated by a fully qualified Speech-Language Pathologist, and to involve the community of SLPs in Jamaica for both the purpose of course delivery and facilitating the clinical experience of students. The programme is offered over 3 years, the first being a preliminary year, packaged as a Diploma in Speech and Language Science, which equips students with the necessary undergraduate-level prerequisite knowledge. The two Master’s level years consists of twelve core courses, four Clinical Practica, and two courses which focus on the Caribbean region specifically.

Programme Structure


Semester 1

Semester 2

SPLP6016 Articulation and Phonological Disorders, 3 credits

SPLP6006 Neurological Bases of Communication Disorders, 3 credits

SPLP6017 Language Disorders in Children, 3 credits

SPLP6007 Research Methods in SLP, 3 credits

SPLP6005 Diagnostic Methods in Speech-Language Pathology, 3 credits

SPLP6008 Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3 credits

LING6804 Language Acquisition in Creole Contexts, 3 credits

SPLP6012 Aural Rehabilitation, 3 credits

SPLP6001 Clinical Practicum 1, 2 credits

SPLP6002 Clinical Practicum II, 2 credits

14 credits

14 credits

TOTAL 28 credits


SPLP6009 Fluency Disorders, 3 credits

SPLP6013 Voice and Resonance Disorders, 3 credits

SPLP6010 Aphasia and Related Disorders, 3 credits

SPLP6014 Neurogenic Speech Disorders, 3 credits

SPLP6011 Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 3 credits

SPLP6015 Dysphagia, 3 credits

LING6808 Researching Caribbean Language Structure, 3 credits

SPLP6004 Clinic Practicum IV, 2 credits

SPLP6003 Clinical Practicum III, 2 credits


14 credits

11 credits

TOTAL 25 credits

Programme Objectives

  1. To provide professional training for speech-language pathologists, encompassing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential to the field;
  2. To service the Caribbean region with an intellectual and professional capacity in this arena;
  3. To educate the public as to support which can be provided to persons with speech, language and learning disabilities;
  4. To provide screening for the school age population;
  5. To provide assessment and follow-up services for same;
  6. To provide rehabilitation for aphasic persons throughout the region;
  7. To provide support in the neo-natal facilities where swallowing disorders threaten infants at birth.

Programme Duration

The M.Sc. in Speech-Language Pathology is a 2-year, full-time programme.

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