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Department of Geography & Geology

This Week in History - Fossil reef discovered at Alcan's Kirkvine mines

Twenty three years ago specialists in palaeontology from UWI visited a mine site with a fossil reef at Alcan Kirkvine Works several times to research, record and collect specimens, before the pit was reclaimed. Reclamation was a requirement under the mining law.

Aleem Mahabir and Kristinia Doughorty are joint winners of the 2022 Courtney Russell Award from the AAG

Aleem Mahabir and Kristinia Doughorty are the two winners of the 2022 Courtney Russell Award, co-sponsored by American Association of Geographers Caribbean Speciality and GIS Specialty Groups. Aleem's paper focused on psychosocial dispositions & exclusion in the Caribbean island of Trinidad while Kristinia's focused on the resilience of nutmeg agroecosystems in Grenada. Congratulations to both Aleem and Kristinia - Geographers Going Places!
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In Memoriam - Emeritus Professor David Barker

The Department of Geography and Geology mourns the passing of Emeritus Professor of Geography, David Barker. Prof. Barker arrived at the Mona Campus in 1980 from England, to teach agricultural geography. He had a Ph.D.

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