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Head of Department's message

Welcome to the Department of Economics! You have made the right choice. The Department of Economics was established in 1955. Back then it was actually in the Faculty of Arts. Several well-known national, and international, leaders have walked along the paths that you will be travelling on for the next three years and sat in the same classrooms gazing at the same black/white boards. These include our very own Dr. Andre Haughton who was recently appointed to the opposition shadow cabinet, as well as Dr.

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Congratulations to our UWI/Guardian Life Premium Teaching Awardees!


Gov’t approves $200m grant for UWI to establish Fiscal Research Centre


Jamaican Economy Panel Highlights

The JEP is a product of the UN Resident Coordinator's Office (UNRCO) valued partnership with the Economics Department of The University of the West Indies.






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Annual Newsletters

News Letter 2023

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