Phone: 876.970.6014
Office: McIntyre Building E212
Office Hours: Mon 2-4 pm ; Thrus 9-11 am
Courses Taught: ECON1000 | ECON1012
Qualifications: Ph.D (New York University)
Damien King and Sudhanshu Handa, "Jamaica", in Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sanchez, and Carolina Diaz-Bonilla, PolÃticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano, PNUD, 2008.
Damien King, "Globalization and the Macroeconomy," Jamaica Human Development Report 2005, UNDP and the Planning Institute of Jamaica, 2005.
Damien King and Sudhanshu Handa, "Libralización de la Balanza de Pagos, Pobreza y Distribución en Jamaica," in Enrique Ganuza, Ricardo Paes de Barros, Lance Taylor, Rob Vos (eds.), Liberalización, Desigualdad y Pobreza: América Latina y el Caribe en los 90, PNUD, 2001.
Damien King, "Reforma Macroeconómica y Pobreza en Jamaica: Disempeño y Perspectivas 1989-2001," in Enrique Ganuza, Lance Taylor, and Samuel Morley (eds.), PolÃtica Macroeconómica y Pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe, 1980-1996, PNUD, 1998, pgs. 541-574.
Damien King and Latoya Richards, "Jamaica's Debt: Causes and Consequences," The Journal of Economic Policy and Research," Vol. 4, No. 2, April - September 2009.
Sudhanshu Handa and Damien King, "Adjustment with a Human Face: Evidence from Jamaica," World Development, Vol. 31, No. 7, July 2003.
Damien King and Sudhanshu Handa, "The Welfare Effects of Balance of Payments Reform: A Macro-Micro Simulation of the Cost of Rent-Seeking," Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 39, No. 3, February 2003.
Damien King, "The Evolution of Structural Adjustment and Stabilization Policy in Jamaica," Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2001.
Sudhanshu Handa and Damien King, "Changes in the Distribution of Income and the New Economic Model in Jamaica," Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2001.
Sudhanshu Handa and Damien King, "Structural Adjustment Policies, Income Distribution, and Poverty: The Jamaican Experience," with Sudhanshu Handa, World Development, Vol. 25, No. 6, June 1997.
Damien King, "Macroeconomic Adjustment in Externally-Dependent Economies with Parallel Exchange Rates," Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 43 No. 1, March 1994.
Research Interest: Development, Trade, CGE Modelling.