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Office: McIntyre Building E205

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Courses Taught: ECON6032 | ECON3010

Qualifications: B.Sc. (UWI, Mona), MA(Econ) (University of Manchester), Ph.D. (University of Manchester) | Curriculum vitae

Research Interests: Financing Development; Financial Crises; Microfinance; Poverty; Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises



Tennant, David and Tracey, Marlon. 2015. Sovereign Debt and Credit Rating Bias. Palgrave-MacMillan. December 2015.

King, Damien and Tennant, David. eds. Debt and Development in Small Island Developing States. Palgrave-MacMillan. December 2014. 

Tennant, David and Sutherland, Richard. 2014. What Types of Banks Profit Most from Fees Charged? A Cross-Country Examination of Bank-Specific and Country-Level Determinants. Journal of Banking and Finance 49: 178-190

Tennant, David and Tracey, Marlon. 2014. Financial Intermediation and Stock Market Volatility in a Small Bank-Dominated Economy. Journal of Developing Areas 48(4): 73-95

Tennant, David and Tracey, Marlon. 2013. Explaining related party transactions in commercial banking: looted lending and information-based investments. Applied Financial Economics. 23(19):1509-1530 

Tennant, David. 2012. ‘Factors Impacting on Whether and How Businesses Respond to Early Warning Signs of Financial and Economic Turmoil: Jamaican Firms in the Global Crisis’, in AshwiniDeshpande and Keith Nurse eds. The Global Crisis and the Developing World: Implications and Prospects for Recovery and Growth, Routledge: UK.

Tennant, David.  2011. Factors Impacting on Whether and How Businesses Respond to Early Warning Signs of Financial and Economic Turmoil: Jamaican Firms in the Global Crisis. Journal of Economics and Business. 63: 472-491

Tennant, David. 2011. Why do People Risk Exposure to Ponzi Schemes? Econometric Evidence from Jamaica.  Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money.  21: 328-346

Tennant, David, Kirton, Claremont and Abdulkadri, Abdullahi.  2011.  Modelling the Relative Effects of Financial Sector Functions on Economic Growth in a Developing Country Context Using Cointegration and Error Correction Methods.  Journal of Developing Areas. 44(2): 183-205

Tennant, David and Abdulkadri, Abdullahi. 2010. Empirical Exercises in Estimating the Effects of Different Types of Financial Institutions’ Functioning on Economic Growth. Applied Economics. 42(30):  3913 - 3924

Tennant, David.  2010. Relationship between Traditional Determinants of Financial Risk Tolerance and the Extent of Individuals’ Exposure to Ponzi Schemes: Exploratory Evidence from Jamaica. The Empirical Economics Letters.  9(6): 581-590

Tennant, David.  2010. Global Financial Crisis to Real Sector Contraction:Exploring Transmission Mechanisms in a Small Open Economy – Business Coping Strategies in Jamaica. Global Development Studies. 6(1-2): 235-290

Tennant, David and Folawewo, Abiodun. 2009. Macroeconomic and Market Determinants of Interest Rate Spreads in Low and Middle Income Countries.  Applied Financial Economics 19(6): 489-507

Tennant, David and Kirton, Claremont. 2007. The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment, Financial Crises and Organizational Culture on Managers’ Views as to the Finance-Growth Nexus.  Journal of Economic Issues 41(3): 625-660.

Tennant, David.  2007. Investigating the Performance of Caribbean Commercial Banks in their Mobilization and Use of Savings.  Iberoamericana Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 37(2): 55-88.

Tennant, David and Kirton, Claremont.  2007. Can the Financial Sector Realistically be Expected to Foster Economic Growth? An Analysis of Jamaican Stakeholders’ Views. Global Development Studies 4(3-4): 251-290

Tennant, David.  2007. A Comparison of the Mobilization and Use of Savings Across Types of Financial Intermediaries in the Jamaican Economy.  Savings and Development 31(1): 45-68.

Tennant, Sandria and Tennant, David.  2007. The Efficiency of Tax Administration in Jamaica: An Introspective Assessment. Social and Economic Studies 56(3): 71-100

Tennant, David. 2006. Are Interest Rate Spreads in Jamaica too Large?  Views from within the Financial Sector.  Social and Economic Studies 55(3): 88- 111

Tennant, David. 2006. Lessons Learnt by the Survivors of Jamaica’s Financial Sector Crisis. Savings and Development 30(1): 5-22.

Tennant, David and Kirton, Claremont.  2006. Assessing the Impact of Financial Instability: The Jamaican Case Study.  Iberoamericana Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 36(1):9-36.

Kirkpatrick, Colin and Tennant, David. 2002. Responding to Financial Crisis: The Case of Jamaica. World Development 30(11): 1933-1950.



Tennant, David. 2014. ‘Debt and Development in SIDS: An Urgent Call for Action’, in Damien King and David Tennant, eds. Debt and Development in Small Island Developing States.  Palgrave-MacMillan.

Tennant, David. 2014. ‘The Debt-Development Dilemma: Challenges, Channels and Complexities’, in Damien King and David Tennant, eds. Debt and Development in Small Island Developing States.  Palgrave-MacMillan.

Tennant, David and Brown, Kario-Paul. 2014. ‘Prospects for the Growth of Debt in Selected SIDS’, in Damien King and David Tennant, eds. Debt and Development in Small Island Developing States.  Palgrave-MacMillan.

Tennant, David. 2012. ‘Factors Impacting on Whether and How Businesses Respond to Early Warning Signs of Financial and Economic Turmoil: Jamaican Firms in the Global Crisis’, in Ashwini Deshpande and Keith Nurse eds. The Global Crisis and the Developing World: Implications and Prospects for Recovery and Growth, Routledge: UK



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