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Journal Article
N. Spencer, Are tropical storms a failure warning? Evidence from standardized school examinations, International journal of disaster risk reduction, vol. 24, 2017.
N. Spencer and Strobl, E., Crime Watch: Hurricanes and Illegal Activities, Southern economic journal, vol. 86, 2019.
N. Spencer and Strobl, E., Crime Watch: Hurricanes and Illegal Activities, Southern economic journal, 2019.
N. Spencer and Strobl, E., Crime Watch: Hurricanes and Illegal Activities, Southern economic journal, vol. 86, 2019.
N. Spencer and Strobl, E., Crime Watch: Hurricanes and Illegal Activities, Southern economic journal, 2019.
A. Abdulkadri, S. Miller,, Batie, S., and Joshi, S., “Dairy Producers’ Perception of MAEAP Benefits by Stage of MAEAP Participation.”, Michigan Dairy Review, vol. 17, 2012.
C. Patrick Burgess, Stephenson, T. S., Jones, J., Spencer, N., and Taylor, M. A., Estimating damages from climate-related natural disasters for the Caribbean at 1.5 C and 2 C global warming above preindustrial levels, Regional Environmental Change, vol. 18, no. 8, 2018.
C. Patrick Burgess, Stephenson, T. S., Jones, J., Spencer, N., and Taylor, M. A., Estimating damages from climate-related natural disasters for the Caribbean at 1.5 C and 2 C global warming above preindustrial levels, Regional Environmental Change, vol. 18, no. 8, 2018.
C. Patrick Burgess, Stephenson, T. S., Jones, J., Spencer, N., and Taylor, M. A., Estimating damages from climate-related natural disasters for the Caribbean at 1.5 C and 2 C global warming above preindustrial levels, Regional Environmental Change, vol. 18, no. 8, 2018.
C. Patrick Burgess, Stephenson, T. S., Jones, J., Spencer, N., and Taylor, M. A., Estimating damages from climate-related natural disasters for the Caribbean at 1.5 C and 2 C global warming above preindustrial levels, Regional Environmental Change, vol. 18, no. 8, 2018.
N. Spencer and Urquhart, M. - A., Extreme Climate and Absence from Work: Evidence from Jamaica, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 232 - 239, 2021.
D. Collalti, Spencer, N., and Strobl, E., Flash flood detection via copula-based intensity–duration–frequency curves: evidence from Jamaica, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 24, pp. 873–890, 2024.
D. Collalti, Spencer, N., and Strobl, E., Flash flood detection via copula-based intensity–duration–frequency curves: evidence from Jamaica, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 24, pp. 873–890, 2024.
N. Spencer and Strobl, E., The future of economic welfare, HAL Post-Print, no. hal-02463338, 2019.
N. Spencer and Strobl, E., The future of economic welfare, HAL Post-Print, no. hal-02463338, 2019.
N. Spencer, Polachek, S., and Strobl, E., How do hurricanes impact scholastic achievement?, A Caribbean perspective, Natural Hazards, vol. 84, no. 2, 2016.
N. Spencer, Polachek, S., and Strobl, E., How do hurricanes impact scholastic achievement?, A Caribbean perspective, Natural Hazards, vol. 84, no. 2, 2016.
N. Spencer and Urquhart, M. - A., Hurricane strikes and migration: Evidence from storms in Central America and the Caribbean, Weather, climate, and society, vol. 10, no. 3, 2018.
N. Spencer and Polachek, S., Hurricane Watch: Battening Down the Effects of the Storm on Local Crop Production, Ecological Economics , vol. 120, 2015.
N. Spencer and Strobl, E., Hurricanes, climate change, and social welfare: evidence from the Caribbean, vol. 163, no. 1, pp. 337 - 357, 2020.
N. Spencer and Strobl, E., Hurricanes, climate change, and social welfare: evidence from the Caribbean, vol. 163, no. 1, pp. 337 - 357, 2020.
M. Henry, Strobl, E., and Spencer, N., The impact of tropical storms on households: evidence from panel data on consumption, Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics, vol. 82, 2020.
M. Henry, Strobl, E., and Spencer, N., The impact of tropical storms on households: evidence from panel data on consumption, Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics, vol. 82, 2020.
N. Spencer, Look what the hurricanes just blew in: Analyzing the impact of the storm on criminal activities, Journal of Crime and Justice, vol. 40, no. 4, 2017.
A. Campbell and Spencer, N., The macroeconomic impact of extreme weather: Evidence from Jamaica, vol. 61, p. 102336, 2021.


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