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The Department of Basic Medical Sciences is part of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. It consist of four disciplines: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Physiology. Outstanding researchers who have retired include Prof E A Kean (The mode of action of hypoglycin), Prof H Coore (Enzymology), and Prof M West (Anti-glaucoma drugs). Prof R Young (Human and Comparative Physiology), Prof H Reid (Clinical Haemorheology) and Prof H Asemota (Storage improvement of tropical tuber crops-yams).
The postgraduate programme offers students the opportunity to do research in specific areas such as:
• Mechanistic studies of chronic decrease processes, such as diabetes, hypertension.
• Development of animal models of diseases.
• Assessment of plants, including foods for medicinal value.
• Assessment of therapy use in the management of chronic disease.
• Assessment of drug addictions.
• Influencing memory development.
• Cell culture research in inflammation and cancer.
• Plant micropropagation.
• Eradication of plant diseases.
• Microbial and parasitic disease research.
• Advancing the agricultural benefits of traditional and non-traditional plants though genetic modifications
• Benefit analysis of drugs.
• Advances in exercise physiology.
• Study of bone regeneration
• Effect of cannabis on the brain
• Role of heavy metals in teratology
Students are advice to speak with researchers/academic staff in the section of interest to decide on an area of specialization. Many projects involve collaboration between sections. The UWI Mona Research Engine website (http://mord.mona.uwi.edu/staff/ ) is also a good site to identify research being done by staff of the Department. A master’s degree mainly requires a demonstration of mastery of the discipline, placing the research in the context of a thorough review of the literature. There is some originality required in research and must be publishable in scientific circles. A PhD, while being longer must reflect much more than mastering an experimental technique. It must have a significant amount of original research, resulting in several publications in international journals and conference submissions. Students at the PhD level must show the ability to systematically execute the intended work. The department encourages all MPhil students to transition into PhD. The student must express some interest in upgrading within the time limits set by UWI and convince the Supervisor/Co-Supervisor that project proposal merits the upgrade.
All students interested in pursuing a postgraduate degree in Basic Medical Sciences should refer to the handbook entitled: REGULATIONS FOR GRADUATE DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES, available from the School of Graduate Studies.