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World Renowned Scientist Professor Robert Gallo to launch the
Global Virus Network Center in Jamaica
Faculty of Medical Sciences, the University of the West Indies
at the Kenneth Standard Lecture Theatre
on 19 February 2019
at 5:30 PM
Professor Robert Gallo, MD
The Homer & Martha Gudelsky Distinguished Professor in Medicine,
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, C
Co-Founder & Director of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland and
Co-Founder and Scientific Director of the Global Virus Network
“Virus Epidemics: Reflections on the past and prospects for the future with emphasis on HIV/AIDS”
Professor Gallo who co-discovered HIV as the causative agent of AIDS will discuss viral epidemics of the 20th century and his personal experience with HIV, including reflections upon the past and lessons learned for the future. He will discuss the process of discovering a virus and linking the virus as the cause of a disease. Dr. Gallo will discuss the needs for combatting HIV/AIDS in the immediate future, including the development of a functional cure and the need for far greater testing and therapy as early and fast as possible to end the epidemic. He will also discuss the field of HIV vaccine development, including the Institute of Human Virology’s vaccine candidate while also sharing his thoughts on the field’s biggest challenges and the limitations facing all HIV vaccine candidates today. Dr. Gallo will share what HIV/AIDS research has accomplished for the broad field of medical research and public policy, and how we could do better. He will share why he co-founded the Global Virus Network (GVN) and the new collaboration between GVN, Jamaica and specifically the University of the West Indies.
Like all other major health institutions in the country, May Pen Hospital in Clarendon is struggling.
That is why St Andrade Sinclair, the hospital's chief executive officer, is happy that organisers of the Sagicor Sigma Corporate Run decided to include the Type C hospital in its group of beneficiaries this year.
The other beneficiaries are Diabetes Association of Jamaica, and Lupus Foundation of Jamaica. The run is scheduled for February 17.
“It is not too often that you see a lot of corporate bodies give back to people like us who really need it, especially health care,” Sinclair said at yesterday's Jamaica Observer Monday Exchange at the newspaper's Beechwood Avenue office in Kingston.
“Health care is woefully short when it comes to financing, and that is our big problem. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the average amount that should be contributed from your GDP should be eight per cent, and currently the Government provides 5.9 per cent,” Sinclair said, adding that health care in the country “is under serious problems”
The work of Professor Shepherd, who just presented at the FMS Annual Research Conference - "The Cardiff Violence Prevention Model" has been adopted as policy in the United States.
The CDC wrote on their website - "More than half of violent crime in the United States is not reported to law enforcement, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. That means cities and communities lack a complete understanding of where violence occurs, which limits the ability to develop successful solutions.
The Cardiff Violence Prevention Model provides a way for communities to gain a clearer picture about where violence is occurring by combining and mapping both hospital and police data on violence.
But more than just an approach to map and understand violence, the Cardiff Model provides a straightforward framework for hospitals, law enforcement agencies, public health agencies, community groups, and others interested in violence prevention to work together and develop collaborative violence prevention strategies."
You could put these links on both the resources and news pages to the CDC website information, a toolkit, and related journal articles on the Cardiff Violence Prevention Model:
We are excited to present the second issue of MEDULINK, Newsletter of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, the University of the West Indies (FMS, UWI). I am honoured to be Editor for this publication and congratulate all who have contributed to its completion. And this issue comes on the heel of the inaugural October 2017 newsletter.
Welcome! It is a great pleasure and an honour to announce the publication of the inaugural edition of ‘MeduLink’, a newsletter for the Faculty of Medical Sciences, The University of West Indies! We are delighted that the newsletter has finally come into being, and are proud of the editorial board and everyone involved in making this happen. The aim of the newsletter is to provide a forum for sharing of information about past, on-going or planned health sciences education activities at any of our UWI campuses or teaching sites. The editorial responsibility for production of Medulink is a shared one between the Centre for Medical Sciences Education (CMSE) and the Medical Education Units at each of the main Campus sites. We plan to issue the Newsletter triannually and are therefore looking forward to your contributions.