The Sandwich Technique for closure of oro-antral communication
results in vascularized new bone formation
which eventually osseo-intergrates with surrounding
Single photon emission computed tomography is a unique
imaging modality for the assessment of osteoblastic activity
and osseointegration in any experimental or clinical
situation. As such, new and emerging applications are
being introduced for this novel technique.
In this report, we describe the use of quantitative single photon emission
computed tomography as a tool for comparing the osseointegrating
capabilities of two types of implants. Results suggest that there is
little difference in bone regeneration between the porous surface and
screw type implants.
In this paper, mathematical models are formulated for the Ogunsalu
osteobstruction phenomenon. Mathematical modelling could be used to predict, interpret and generalize the results of osteobstructive
mechanism in bone regeneration.
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