Ninety-one infants with rickets presented to hospital with hypocalcaemia.
Vitamin D deficiency should be considered in infants presenting
with hypocalcaemic convulsion.
Aim: Hypocalcaemia evaluation of the clinical, biochemical and radiological features of 91 infants with rickets who presented as hypocalcaemic convulsions.
Subjects andMethods: Ninety-one hypocalcaemic infants who were brought to hospital with convulsion and diag-nosed with rickets related to vitamin D deficiency according to their clinical, biochemical and radio-logical features were retrospectively reviewed.
Avoiding sun exposure, although living in tropical areas, results in
vitamin D deficiency. In our small pilot study, 38% of the people were
at risk and had 25(OH)D levels below 50 nmol/L.
Objective: Curaçao (12 degrees 10N, 69 degrees 0W) is characterized by whole year abundant sunshine (8−10 hours/day). We challenged the automatic assumption that people living in tropical countries do not have a high risk of vitamin D deficiency, and investigated the vitamin D status in a tropical environment.