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growth and differentiation

DNA Release and Uptake Associated with the Development of Pleomorphic Cells in Mammalian Skin Autotransplants

DNA release and uptake in an in vivo mammalian system is described for the first time, and is related to normal growth and differentiation, abnormal growth and cancer. It is proposed that there is a homeostatic exchange system of intercellular factors including genetic material (DNA/RNA) between cells and tissues, important for growth and differentiation. Disturbances of the messages or the homeostatic control of the exchange system can result in abnormal growth and cancer.


Objective: Although several in vitro studies have demonstrated active release of DNA by living cells, there is still doubt. There are no such in vivo studies (1). The following experiment is an in vivo study to determine whether DNA release and uptake by cells and tissues occur and can be related to normal growth and differentiation, abnormal growth and cancer.

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e-Published: 29 Jan, 2014
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