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FST - Course Listing - Delivery Modality - Semester 1, 2021-2022


For Semester 1, 2021/22 Academic Year, the laboratory components of some courses in the Faculty will be delivered using a face to face mode. To view these courses, CLICK HERE.

Please note the following:

  1. This notice is subject to change at any time depending on the national circumstance. Students should constantly check the Faculty website for updates.
  2. All courses NOT listed will be offered in their entirety online.
  3. The option exists to have an incomplete grade awarded if students are unable to attend face to face lab sessions. The final grade will not be awarded until the student completes the face to face labs. This may be at the next available sitting in a subsequent semester or academic year.
  4. Students are urged to consult with the Undergraduate Coordinators OR Course Coordinators in each Department if they have any queries.
  5. Students should use the information to make the best decision for their circumstance.
  6. All students should regularly check The UWI for updates as the national circumstance may warrant changes to the above. Students may click on the COVID-19 banner at top of the campus homepage for the latest updates
  7. The Faculty encourages all incoming students to get vaccinated as soon as possible, allowing at least a few weeks between vaccination and the start of the semester.


Dean’s Office
Faculty of Science and Technology
August 27, 2021



Published on 30 Aug, 2021

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