Over a dozen energy practitioners islandwide representing academic, public and private entities - have been registered in Jamaica's first open sitting of the North American Board for Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) Associate Program hosted by Green Solutions International. The program which is available in 97 countries, is fast becoming a global measurement of standard for energy professionals as it recognizes individuals who have demonstrated knowledge of the fundamental principles of the application, design, installation, and operation of Photovoltaic, Solar Heating or Small Wind energy systems. A NABCEP Associate credential (NABCEP Photovoltaic Associate™, NABCEP Solar Heating Associate™, or NABCEP Small Wind Associate™) is earned by passing an examination based on the related NABCEP PV Associate Job Task Analysis (JTA). After a week-long training period, led by certified NABCEP Instructor and Solar Energy Professional with Hawkins Design Group, Randy Dunton; students will sit the examination for the NABCEP Photovoltaic Associate credential. Best wishes to them all!
Published on 13 Dec, 2018