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Glyphosate Forum


Vehicles without official UWI-Mona parking stickers are ONLY allowed entry via the post office gate from Mona Road. In this respect, you go a few meters beyond the main gate to the post office gate, collect a vehicle pass card from the security personnel and then take the first left [Gibraltar Road] to bring you past the Chapel to the ring road.

Turn left onto the ring road and proceed 100 meters, then take first-left [The Queens Way] towards the main gate and take the last turn off on the right [St. Johns Close], which takes you to the parking spaces between the Chemistry Department and the Hermitage/Mona Road.

Once parked you enter through the "walk-in" gate up the corridor in a northerly direction through the Department of Chemistry, turn-right at the drop-down sign [Pesticide Research Laboratory] and proceed easterly along the Spine; it is on the left.




Article Posted: March 11, 2020

Published on 11 Mar, 2020

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