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Research Ethics Guidelines


  • The guidelines are intended to assist researchers in understanding the ethics review process for the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST).
  • These guidelines are not intended to be comprehensive and should not be viewed as an independent document. Faculty research ethics guidelines are subsumed under the UWI Mona Campus Research Ethics policy ( and based on the proposal guidelines for graduates and academic staff provided by the UWI Mona Campus Research Ethics Committee’s Research Proposal Toolkit (
  • Ethical approval of research by the UWI Mona Campus Research Ethics Committee (MCREC) is devoted to the assessment of the research process.  The review procedures will assist researchers in conducting quality research that adheres to the highest ethical standards.  Ethical review is designed to promote responsible research that protects the participants, the integrity of the UWI and the researcher(s).
  • Any procedures involving human subjects, that may include surveys and questionnaires, focus groups and interviews, observations etc., are to be conducted with the informed consent of participants and with protection of participants’ rights and their knowledge of the level of risk involved.
  • The principles of research ethics ask that researchers avoid harming participants, by respecting individuals and taking into account their needs, interests and rights. It is expected that benefits of the research outweigh the risk to participants.  Furthermore, research is built on trust. There should therefore not only be trust that the findings reported by researchers are valid, representative and accurate, but also that the rights of the participants are respected and protected.

The FST Research Ethics Committee

  • The Faculty of Sciences and Technology is mandated to establish a Research Ethics committee comprised of representatives from each Department and Centre.
  • Applications will normally be reviewed at specially scheduled meetings of the FST sub-committee following their receipt from supervisors (directly) or from the UWI Mona Campus Research Ethics Committee (low-risk expedited review).
  • It is important to note that it is the responsibility of the principal investigator or supervisor to submit proposals directly to the main committee after review by the faculty sub-committee; thus assuming full responsibility for the ethical approval of their research.
  • The FST Research Ethics Committee operates as a sub-committee under the UWI Mona Campus Research Ethics Committee (please see

Review of Proposal

There are three possible levels of review (details available online at and researchers may indicate in the cover letter under which their proposal would fall.  N.B. All moderate, high risk and PhD proposals require full committee review.

  1. Full/Convened Committee Review
  2. Minimal risk proposal (which include expedited)
  3. Review for Exemption Status

Role of The Committee

The expanded role of the FST Research Ethics Committee includes the following:

  1. To review proposals generated by FST Faculty and Graduate Students so as to provide feedback and ensure that the submission to the UWI Mona Campus Research Ethics committee (MCREC) is as seamless as possible.
  2. To review minimal risk proposals which are directed to the FST Ethics Committee by the UWI Mona Campus Research Ethics Committee (MCREC) and give approval/feedback to the UWI MCREC.
  3. In cases where the UWI MCREC provides feedback on a proposal and the researchers require clarifications, the FST sub-committee is available to meet and discuss the concerns by appointment.
  4. The subcommittee is also available for consultation with any staff or student, by appointment.

Obtaining Ethical Approval

All persons conducting research involving humans and other animals MUST seek ethical approval PRIOR to the start of field work or data collection.

Students whose research requires ethical approval are advised to initiate the process as soon as they have written their research proposal and at least 3 months before they plan to start data collection/surveys.  The application is actually made by the Supervisor (with the student named as co-applicant) or by the Principal Investigator where there is no graduate student involvement.

The Ethics Review Process

  1. Complete a research proposal to the satisfaction of supervisor/supervisory committee/Principal Investigator.  This must be inclusive of questionnaire(s), list of focus group questions or other documents to be used to gather data from human subjects.  N.B. copyrighted instruments must be accompanied by a letter/e-mail granting permission for use.
  2. Download the Research Ethics Toolkit (Ethics proposal requirements) from link #3 below.
  3. Provide all documents as guided by the toolkit, that is:
    1. Cover letter
    2. Summary/abstract
    3. Proposal
    4. Checklist
    5. Consent forms
    6. Letters of support from partner agencies/departments (where needed)
    7. Project budget
    8. Appendices (questionnaires etc.)
    9. Proposal must be submitted online following the instructions in the applicant manual (see link below).

Important Links

It is important that all members of the FST are acquainted with the following documents, available online:

  1. The University of the West Indies: Policy and Procedures on Research Ethics
  2. Policy and Code on Research Ethics for the University of the West Indies
  3. Guidelines for Preparing Research Proposals, A Handbook by the UWI Ethics Committee
  4. 4 step guide for submitting online
  5. Applicant Manual
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