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Benefits of Working at The UWI

When you become a member of our dynamic and diverse Faculty or Staff, you also become a part of a rich and unique culture that is the UWI. We provide all staff a myriad of opportunities for both professional and personal development and growth through every stage of their life and career. Here is a brief overview of some of the key benefits of working with the UWI, Mona Campus:

Health and Wellness

The UWI Health Clinic provides a variety of medical services to all employees and the surrounding communities and may be accessed between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m, Mondays to Fridays. Extended opening hours are also available. Click this link for more information

Leave Benefits

Administrative. Technical and Service (ATS) Academic, Senior Administrative and Professional (ASAP)
  1. Vacation leave
  2. Maternity leave
  3. Sick leave
  4. Departmental leave
  5. Assisted passage leave
  6. No-pay leave
  7. Leave for study purposes
  1. Annual Leave
  2. Maternity Leave
  3. Study Leave
  4. Study and Travel Grant
  5. Sabbatical Leave
  6. No-Pay Leave
  7. Assisted Leave
  8. Fellowship Leave
  9. Resumption of Duty After Leave


Tuition Exemption


Pension Scheme

All permanent employees shall be required to join the University Superannuation Scheme from the date of their appointment.

The normal rates of contribution will be as follows:-

  • Employee’s contribution – 5% of annual salary (employees have the option to increase their contribution to a maximum of 10% of annual salary)
  • University’s contribution – 10% of employee’s annual salary.

For more detailed information regarding the Pension Scheme, the various types of leave and other benefits, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Administrative and Technical Staff.

Group Life Insurance

All permanent employees are covered under the University's group life scheme

Academic Staff

< 10 years 2 x salary

10 < 20 years 21/2 x salary

20 years and over 3 x salary

Non Academic staff

< 16 years 2x salary

16 < 25 years 21/2 salary

25 years and over 3 x salary

Our Campus also boasts the following amenities for your convenience


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