Research Area:
Stochastic Difference Equations and General Relativity
Academic Qualifications:
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, University of the West Indies, Mona 2013-2015
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics, University of the West Indies, Mona 2004-2008
Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of the West Indies, 1998-2002
Asociate Degree in Computer Science, University of Wisconsin
Lecturer, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica, 2008- Present
Awards and Achievements:
Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Assesment for the Department of Mathmatics from the Faculty of Science and Technology for the academic year 2013/14
Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Assesment for the Department of Mathmatics from the Faculty of Science and Technology for the academic year 2010/11