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Department of Mathematics

circle percentage nk piechart pienum piessym plus pv sub_equ sine


Academic Staff

Head of Department

Head of Department & Senior Lecturer
876-977-2693 , Ext. 2284, 2455


Assistant Lecturer, Seminar Coordinator, Olympiad Co-coordinator
876-977-2693, Ext. 2284, 2621
Senior Lecturer, MSc Mathematics Graduate Coordinator
876-977-2693, Ext. 2284
Instructor, Bridging Programme Coordinator, Math Club Advisor
Assistant Lecturer, Outreach Co-coordinator, Department Student Experience Representative
876-977-2693, Ext. 2284
Lecturer, Undergraduate Co-ordinator, Books and Library Coordinator
876-977-1810, Ext. 2284
Lecturer, Career Fair Coordinator, Internship Coordinator, Actuarial Club Advisor, MSc ERM Coordinator
876-977-2693 , Ext. 2284
Lecturer, Undergraduate Coordinator, Summer School Coordinator, Olympiad Coordinator
876-977-2693 , Ext 2621
Lecturer, Outreach Coordinator & Undergraduate Research Project Coordinator
876-977-2693 , Ext. 2284 2455
Senior Lecturer
876-977-2693, Ext. 2621, 2455
Professor Emerita
876-977-2693, 2693, Ext. 2284, 2455
Senior Lecturer, Statistics Programme Coordinator, Examination Coordinator
876-977-2693, Ext. 2284, 2621
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