Value: The value of the award will be computed as follows:
Fees to be covered to a value consistent with those for Sponsored Students from Contributing Countries. ln the 2012/13 academic year the part time rate in this category is S119,509.
A contribution to day-to-day expenses with a value of 25% of the cost of shared facilities in the postgraduate housing complex for 9 months. ln the 2012/13 academic year this was $216,000.
Total value at 12/13 rates: $173,509.
This value is to be revised as necessary to stay in line with these guidelines. lf the MSc Mathematics is offered fulltime, then the fulltime tuition rate is to be used to calculate the annual value.
Eligibility: Candidates may apply if they are registered for the MSc Mathematics programme prior to the end of the first semester.
Criteria: The successful applicant will be selected based on the following criteria:
Minimum B+ grades on all exams from the first semester of the programme.
Financial need
Method of Selection:
Selection will be made once exam results for the first semester of the programme are available. Eligible applicants will be shortlisted based on an inspection of their transcripts. lf more than one applicant satisfies the academic requirement a committee, to include the graduate coordinator, head of department, and at least one other member of staff, will interview all eligible candidates to make a final decision based on financial need. Once the bursary has been awarded, it will be applied retroactively to the first semester of the programme.