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Diploma Requirments

The Psychology Diploma Programme is designed to provide students with knowledge in a range of psychology fields; preparatory research skills for graduate level training; and exposure to both practical and theoretical applications of psychology.

Level I
Prior to entry, all applicants must have completed the following introductory courses or their equivalent: PSYC1000, PSYC1001, PSYC1005, PSYC1006, SOCI1002, SOCI1005. If a student is accepted in the diploma programme without having the introductory courses, these must be completed during the first and/or second semester of the programme.

Level II & Level III (Minimum 30 credits)
1. PSYC2000: Social Psychology
2. PSYC2008: Cognitive Psychology
3. PSYC2019: Experimental and Applied Psychology
4. SOCI2008: Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences
6-7. Any three (3) from the following:
- PSYC2002: Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC2003: Physiological Psychology
- PSYC2004: Personality Theory
- PSYC2005: Introduction to Health Psychology
- PSYC2007: Psychometrics
- PSYC2012: Developmental Psychology

8. PSYC3001: Social Cognition or PSYC3007: Applied Social Psychology

9-10. PSYC3011: Psychology Research Paper (6 credits) or any two (2) Level II/III Psychology electives.



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