Level I (Minimum 30 credits)
1. SOCI1001: Introduction to Social Research
2. SOCI1002: Introduction to Sociology I
3. SOCI1003: Sociology & Development
4. FOUN1013: Critical Reading and Writing in the Social Sciences or FOUN1019: Critical Reading and Writing in the Disciplines
5. FOUN1101: Caribbean Civilization
6. FOUN1201: Science, Medicine & Technology in Society
7. SOCI1005: Introductory to Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences
8. PSYC1000: Introduction to Developmental, Social & Abnormal Psychology
9. Plus one (1) from the following 2:
- ECON1000: Principles of Economics I
- GOVT1000: Introduction to Political Institutions and Analysis
10. Plus 1 Level I Free Elective1
Level II & Level III (Minimum 60 credits)
11. SOCI2000: Classical Social Theory
12. SOCI2006: Qualitative Methods in Sociological Research
13. SOCI2008: Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences
14. SOCI2001: Modern Social Theory
15. SOCI2007: Survey Design and Analysis
16. SOCI2017: Caribbean Society or SOCI3025: Caribbean Culture
17-19. Plus 3 from the following 4:
- SOCI2004: Introduction to Population
- SOCI2009: Statistical Computing for Social Research
- SOCI3026: Sociology of Development
- SOWK2004: Development of Social Policy
20. Plus 1 Level II SOCI Elective
21-24. Plus 4 Level II Free Electives 25-30.
Plus 6 Level III Free Electives
NOTE: Students intending to pursue a MSc. in Sociology should select courses relevant to the intended area of specialization.
MSc. specializations include:
- Social Policy & Administration
- Sociology of Development