We primarily offer space for lease/rent via a Request for Proposals (RFPs). You can see if there are any open RFPs here
Please review our procedures for establishing a business on Mona Campus which includes how to submit a proposal. You can read the process here.
Rent is determined based on square feet and is generally in keeping with the cost per square foot in the Liguanea area.
We only assist Campus Departments and Units with business plan development as part of our consultancy services. As a third party looking to do business on the Campus, you will need to submit a completed proposal for evaluation. If you are a student and you need help developing a business plan, you may visit the Mona Entrepreneurial and Commercialization Centre, or the Jamaica Business Development Corporation which has an office on the Mona Campus.
If you would like to be placed on our Register of Interested Parties for commercial space, please feel free to fill out the form located here. We will keep your details on file should a suitable space become available for your intended activity. Please note that any space may be put through our RFP process and you will be one of many required to submit a proposal.