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How do I know when the registration process is complete?

Registration is usually complete when:

Courses are selected/adjusted “none requiring overrides”

Financial clearance is obtained

Registrar’s approval is granted

Student is in possession of a valid UWI identification card

Financial clearance is normally granted within two (2) working days after the payment of fees. Registrars Approval will be granted on the receipt of Financial Clearance.

How many courses can I pursue in each academic year?

Full time students normally register for thirty (30) credits, that is, 10 courses in any one academic year while part-time students may not register for more than eighteen (18) credits or 6 courses per year.  In special circumstances, students may be allowed to exceed their credit limit.

What is an elective?

An elective or free elective is any course that is listed in the Faculty Handbook or departmental handbook which is optional  in the degree programme concerned and may be selected from any Faculty. Departmental electives must be selected from courses within your Department.

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I failed a course can I do a re-sit?

There is no such thing as a re-sit. A student must register for the failed course at the next convenient time. This means that if you are full time and registering for the course you failed you must select four additional courses. It cannot be done as an extra course.

I missed a coursework exam. What should I do?

A student who is absent from a coursework examination may apply to the Dean of the Faculty for exemption from this examination no later than one week following the date of this examination. He/she must at the same time submit to the Assistant Registrar (Examinations) justification for such absence. For example, a medical certificate in the case of illness.

What is Examinations Only?

Students will only be entitled to register for “Examinations Only” in the following circumstances after having been registered for and attended classes in a course(s):

How can I be granted an Oral Examination?

The Board of Examiners may recommend to the Department that a student who has failed the last one or two courses required to complete the degree be offered an Oral Examination in that one or those two courses provided that he/she has obtained in each instance a mark of at least 35% for the course(s). 
The Oral examination will concern the courses as a whole, and not be restricted to the questions set in the examination, which the student did. The first examiner and at least one other Examiner must be present at an Oral Examination.

What is add/drop?

During the registration period, students will be permitted to request adjustments to their academic programme once they have obtained academic approval. This request should be made on the Student Administrative System (SAS).

Do I have to do all of my level 1 courses before I am allowed to do level 2 courses?

You do not need to complete all of your level 1 courses first but you must ensure that you have the prerequisites for the specific level 2 or 3 course. You should also ensure that you complete all of your core courses.


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