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Briefing | Latin America And The Caribbean Economic Outlook For 2018



New Course: ECON 3030

ECON 3030 is a NEW final year elective which will expose students in their final year to specially chosen topics in economics. ECON 3030 will be offered in SEMESTER II (AY 2019/2010).

Briefing | Andrew Holness’ Budget Presentation: Taking Positive Actions To Secure The Future Of Our People

Last week, the prime minister gave his contribution to the Budget Debate for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Mr. Holness declared that he had brought his family to Parliament, which

Briefing | Dr. Peter Phillips Budget Reply: Empowering The People, Restoring Hope

The budget Debate continues and Dr. Peter Phillips, leader of the Opposition People's National Party, delivered his budget rebuttal, titled Empowering the People restoring Hope.

Where Was Phillips' Main Focus?


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