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A Yavuz

How Approprıate are the Lengths of Syringe Needles Used for Subcutaneous Injections to the Children at School Age?

This study showed that nowadays, relatively shorter pen needles compared with those previously used are recommended for subcutaneous insulin therapy. Currently, the available shortest pen needles for subcutaneous injections is 4 mm in length, each. Even when the shortest pen needle is used, the risk for intramuscular injection during subcutaneous injection is 50% in boys aged 6–8 years, while it is 25% in those aged 9–12 years and 13–17 years for each. It is 25% in all the three age groups among the girls. Smaller pen needles can help to achieve more accurate subcutaneous injections.


Objectives: To define the normal ranges of the thicknesses of the skin and subcutaneous tissues via ultrasonography, and determine whether the current syringe needle-lengths used for the subcutaneous injections were appropriate.

18 May, 2015
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e-Published: 15 Oct, 2015
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