Results of the present study suggest that, in the
stomach, hepatocyte antigen expression is a sensitive
marker of intestinal metaplasia and the evaluation of
the distribution of hepatocyte antigen expression might
be useful in the classification of intestinal metaplasia.
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is an
extracellular protein and serum EC-SOD could be a
good candidate for the diagnosis of prolactinoma.
There is a positive relationship between prolactinoma
severity and EC-SOD.
This study confirmed that log10 SF4:BMI (subcutaneous
to overall fat) at conventional cut-off points had
a relatively high sensitivity and specificity in detecting
excess adiposity, and therefore could be used to identify
excess adiposity in South African children.
The effect of anthropometry on longitudinal blood
pressure changes was evaluated and compared to
similar estimates generated from cross-sectional data
from the same population. Findings suggest that
anthropometry is an important covariate of blood pressure
changes during adolescence and that age-related
mean blood pressure changes from longitudinal data
were similar to those generated by cross-sectional
C Ndugwa, D Higgs, C Fisher, I Hambleton, K Mason, BE Serjeant, GR Serjeant
Comparison of the Bantu and Benin haplotypes in
Ugandan and Jamaican patients with homozygous
sickle cell disease reveal some clinical and haemato-logical differences. Better documentation is needed to derive optimal
models of care for Ugandan patients.
A high proportion of soft tissue sarcomas in Jamaica are unclassified
and the anatomical distribution of common classified sarcomas shows
some differences with the literature. Limited access to immunohistochemistry/
molecular diagnostics and increasing core biopsy diagnosis
may contribute to these phenomena.
Helicobacter pylori infection is a common chronic infection in children.
We report, for the first time, prevalence data for this infection in
Bahamian children. H pylori infection was determined using the 13Curea
breath test.
This study evaluated the increasing trend in antibiotic resistance pattern
of uropathogens in Kashmir Valley, India. Escherichia coli was
the most prevalent isolate. First generation cephalosporins were ineffective
while aminoglycosides and third generation cephalosporins
were effective antibiotics. Vancomycin was highly effective against E
faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus.
This survey of surgeons and residents in the Caribbean demonstrates
the current level of training in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) and
the challenges faced in incorporating MIS into surgical training.
The level of fertility impairment among Jamaican women
exceeds levels reflected in studies in the United States of
America from the late 1990s. These women have difficulty
conceiving, have experienced fetal loss, or have waited
at least two years without conceiving.
This case study evaluated whether the medical training
programme in a Caribbean hospital fulfilled the requirements
of a competency-based training hospital. New and
feasible methods to improve the curriculum were identified.
This article presents and compares the frequency of common
operator errors seen on panoramic radiographs
taken by informally trained operators in dental private
practices with those taken by certified radiographers in
the dental hospital in Trinidad and Tobago.