Dean of Faculty
Professor of Linguistics
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Deputy Dean, Wellness and Success
BA (York), DipEd., MEd (UWI), PhD (UoT)
(876) 927-2130, 935-8500-2 | Ext. 2627-8
Deputy Dean, Resource Mobilisation
Ph.D. (Univ. of Manchester), MSc (UWI), (Univ. of Manchester)
(876) 927-2130, 935-8500-2 | Ext. 2627-8
Deputy Dean, Undergraduate Studies
(876) 977-2111 | Ext. 8382
Deputy Dean, Graduate Studies and Research
BA (Brooklyn Coll.), MA (Univ. of Virginia), PhD (Univ. of Maryland College Park)
(876) 927-2217, | Ext.8349
Administrative Officer
BSc., BA, MA (UWI)
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Marketing and Business Development Officer
BSc (Nova South Eastern), MSc (Fairleigh Dickinson)
876) 977-3659 | 970-1666
Senior Administrative Assistant
BSc., MSc. (UWI)
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Administrative Assistant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 8376
Supervisor, Buildings and Maintenance
B.Sc., MA (UWI)
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Office Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Office Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Office Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Office Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Senior Departmental Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Senior Departmental Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Departmental Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 2365 | 3124
Office Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 8361
Office Attendant
(876) 977-3659 | 970-1666 | Ext. 8361