Information Technology Security

MITS provides IT security services to our staff and students in many ways.

Virus Attacks

Viruses, worms, and other malicious software continue to plague staff and students using the internet.

For a list of current viruses, you may visit the Virus Centre at

Anti-virus Software Provision

Symantec Endpoint antivirus software is installed on all network computers. It provides dependable anti-virus, phishing, spyware and identity theft protection, web browsing and image protection. For more information on Symantec , you may visit

Please note this software comes at a cost. For free antivirus software, you may visit any of the following sites:


The network firewall prevents unknown programs and Internet processes from accessing the system. The firewall, however, does not protect against internal attacks and so is not a substitute for antivirus software.

Password Security

The domain password for staff and students expires every 120 days and a user is requested to change this password before it expires. In the event that this is not done, a user may call the MITS Helpdesk to have the password reset to the Dob in the format YYYMMDD. For security reasons, we recommend that the password be changed after it has been reset. This can be done at the login window using the “change password” option. This domain password is used to access the following network systems: OURVLE, Student Administrative System (SAS), Bursary Online Student System (BOSS), Hotspot(UWI Wireless) and MonaXchange (staff email).

A user must not share passwords/access details and should notify MITS Help Desk once a possible security threat is identified. In addition, a user is responsible for any misuse of his/her sign-on credentials.