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Internal Mail System

A significant feature of the University’s mail collection and distribution system at the Mona Campus is a central mailroom which is located at the Attendants’ Lodge. The mailroom is responsible for:

  1. receiving and sorting Mona Campus inter – departmental mail ;
  2. the collection / delivery of Central Administration external mail from the Post Office to / from the Registry Records Services ;
  3. advising Heads of faculties, departments, sections or units of irregularities in the handling of mail as appropriate.

The duties of the staff include delivering urgent mail to the Campus community, collecting and delivering regular mail for assigned offices.

Heads of faculties, departments, sections and units are responsible for assigning staff for the collection and delivery of mail to / from the mailroom and for establishing an appropriate system for ensuring that mail is delivered to the addresses at specific times. The Heads are also responsible for ensuring that members of staff follow the determined procedures.

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