Students - Student Prize
Dorian Powell Prize in Gender and Development
The Dorian Powell Prize in honour of the late Mrs Dorian Powell, an esteemed UWI Sociologist whose pioneering work has advanced the field especially in the area of gender, and reproductive health. The Prize is awarded to students pursuing gender courses offered by the IGDS for the Major in Gender and Development or the Minor in Gender and Development Studies at Mona who gain three (3) or more ‘A’ grades. Eligible students are short listed based on their academic performance, asked to submit an essay on Dorian Powell which is reviewed by a panel of judges who also interview short-listed candidates. This prestigious prize is presented at a special awards ceremony and includes a cash award.
View Biography of Dorian Powell
- Students must be enrolled at the University of the West Indies
- Students must do a minimum of three (3) courses in Gender and Development Studies offered through the Mona Campus Unit
- Students must show knowledge of the gender
- Students must show competence in handling written materials
- Students should display creativity of thought and ideas
- Students must maintain exemplary performance throughout the academic year
- Students must actively participate in their gender courses
- Display knowledge of the work of the late Mrs. Dorian Powell
An independent committee comprised of a panel of lecturers chosen by the Gender Board of Studies Mona, reviews academic results, and prepares a shortlist of candidates who are then interviewed to select a student for the award.

- IGDS Mona Unit Dorian Powell Prize 2005-2006 Awardee Ms. Patrice Pious responds at Dorian Powell Award's Ceremony, March 16, 2007

- IGDS Mona Unit Dorian Powell Prize 2005-2006 Awardee Ms Natalee McKenzie responds at Dorian Powell Award's Ceremony
Honour Roll
The Honour Roll List recognizes undergraduate students for their outstanding academic performance in each of the regular semesters during each academic year; that is Semester 1 and 2 but not the Summer Semester (Semester 3) or Summer School.
Criteria for Inclusion
- Students must have earned a GPA of 3.6 and above for the applicable semester.
- Performance during the Summer Semester (Semester 3) or Summer School is not considered.
- Students must have registered for a minimum of three courses for a total of nine credit hours for the applicable semester. Courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis (e.g. foundation courses) shall not be included in the calculation of credit hours earned. Courses taken for Preliminary Credits (PC) or which were Audited
- Shall also not be included in the calculation of courses taken or the credit hours earned.
- Students must have completed in a satisfactory manner all courses for which they were registered during the applicable semester. Thus, students’ records must not have for the applicable semester an AB: Absent, F: Failed, FA: Failed Absent, FC: Failed Coursework, FE: Failed Examination, FT: Failed Theory, I: Incomplete, NA: Not Available, NP: Not Passed, NR: Not Reported or NV: Audited Not Satisfactory.
- Where students’ records have for the applicable semester an IP: In Progress, and or an FM: Failed Medical, they may still be placed on the Dean’s list if they have completed the minimum three courses for a total of nine credit hours and have met the other criteria.
Publications and Notifications
- The Honour Roll list shall be compiled and published four weeks after the deadline for the posting of final grades for the applicable semester. Once posted, the published Honour Roll List shall not be updated based on late changes to any student’s academic record save that the name of a student may be deleted if it was placed on the published Honour’s List in error.
- The published Honour Roll List shall be posted on Institute’s designated notice boards.
- The Honour Roll list shall be posted on the Institute’s website where it shall also be archived for future reference.
- Students shall be notified of their inclusion by a letter from the Head of the Institute. Letters shall be distributed electronically via UWI-provided email addresses.
Where it is discovered that the name of a student had been left off the published List, a notation shall be made in the Faculty’s records placing the student’s name on the official List and the student shall be notified in writing, however no adjustment shall be made to the published Dean’s List (see guidelines above for details).