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Project Title Date Department/Faculty Funding Agency Project Manager
To strengthen Education Strategies for HIV/AIDS Medical Sciences Education Development Centre
Research and Research Education to Improve the Nutrition of Infants, Children, O, B & G Baylor College of Medicine Dr. Minerva Thame
Assessment of Kingston Harbour Centre for Marine Sciences Sentar Consultants
Pedro Bank Water Quality Life Sciences UNESCO
Promote Use, Handling & Disposal of Asbestos Chemistry EFJ
Perspectives on the School Experience Centre for Gender & Dev. - Regional Unit Canada/Caribbean Gender Equality Fund Dr. B. Bailey
Pesticide Research Microbiology UWI
Jobs - Comp. Machine CARIMAC UWI
Suriname Consultancy Board of Undergraduates UNESCO
Fisheries Improvement Programme Centre for Marine Sciences Dalhousie University
Transgenic Papaya Project Biotechnology Centre JADF
Software Assignment & License Maths & Computer Science MDL
Extension Unit Op. & Food Lab Chemistry UWI
Findings at conference 22-26/7/02 History UWI
Centre for Disaster Risk Reduction Office of the Vice Chancellor UNDP
UWI/Fisheries Improvement Programme Centre for Marine Sciences CIDA/Trent
Dev. & Evaluation of Transgenic Papaya Project Biotechnology Centre GOJTIF
Software Engineering Lab Maths & Computer Science ISADRA
Caribbean Gender Ideology: Influence Transformation and Impact Centre for Gender & Dev. Studies - Regional Unit Ford Foundation Dr. B. Bailey
Natural Products Institute Chemistry UWI


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