Epidemiology of Human T-Cell to Medicine NIH |
Jun 1989 |
A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations on Caribbean on Caribbean Literature |
Jan 1978 |
Library |
Not Funded |
Samuel Bandara |
A Comprehensive Bibliography of Caribbean Fiction - all territories in the Caribbean |
Jan 1978 |
Library |
Not Funded |
Samuel Bandara |
A Bibliography of Sri Lankan Literature in English |
Jan 1973 |
Library |
Regional Agricultural Technology Programme |
Centre for Marine Sciences |
Dr. Pat Anderson Prof. Uche |
Analysis & Management Geohazards |
Geography & Geology |
Rotavirus Vaccine Infants |
Obstetrics & Gyn |
Transformation of CNS |
Centre for Nuclear Sciences |
Gender Differentials at the Secondary & Tertiary Levels of Caribbean Education Systems - Indepth Study of Socio- Political Factors and Schooling |
Centre for Gender & Dev. - Regional Unit |
Caribbean Development Bank |
Root Causes of Domestic Violence |
Centre for Gender & Dev. Studies - Regional Unit |
Govt. of Jamaica |
Dr. B. Bailey |
Integration Acc Prof. Caribbean |
Management Studies |
Signal Transduc Mechan Diabetes - Mellitus |
Basic Medical Sciences |
Molecular characterization of Jamaican yams (Dioscorea spp.): Study of Biodiversity within Jamaican yam (Dioscorea spp.) using RAPD and AFLP |
Sch. of Graduate Studies and Research |
Simone Earle-Barrett (MPhill) |
Free Contract for Institutional Strengthening workshop |
Office of Administration & Special Initiatives |
Discovery Bay Environmental Management Programme (DBEMP) |
Centre for Marine Sciences |
Dr. Pat Anderson Prof. Uche |
Jamaica Economic Zone |
Geography & Geology |
Paediatric & Perina HIV/AIDS |
Obstetrics & Gyn |
Biomonitoring of Air Pollution in Jamaica |
Centre for Nuclear Sciences |
A Survey of Seniors in Jamaica |
Community Health & Psychiatry |
Funding being sought |
Dr. D. Eldemire-Shearer |
Sexually Transmitted Disease |
Microbiology |