This Clinical Training course is designed primarily for health physicists, medical physicists and other radiation protection professionals to facilitate the design and management of radiation protection programmes for nuclear medicine facilities. The course is designed to equip the resident with the necessary skillset to recommend safety actions, train hospital staff, to plan and design new nuclear medicine facilities and to remodel existing ones. Radiation safety is a concern for patients, physicians, and staff in nuclear medicine departments. Appropriate knowledge and practice of radiation protection helps to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure with a goal to minimize the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.
• Design of a facility
• Exposure from unsealed Sources and the Risk of Contamination
• Radiation hazard assessment
• Personnel dosimetry
• Unintended and accidental exposure in nuclear medicine
• One Written Report (2000 words) 40%
• Clinical Evaluations 60%
On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Implement the reduction measures in relation to exposure from unsealed sources and how to handle spills and accidents
2. Apply ALARA and radiation protection regulations in nuclear medicine clinical practice
3. Apply radiation protection regulations in nuclear medicine clinical practice
4. Implement the general design requirements of the department
5. Implement facility design for radiation protection
6. Execute all aspects of regulatory compliance