Beyond The Headlines - Jamaica Records 4.5 Magnitude Earthquake. Radio Jamaica 94.5FM Radio Interview (15min)
Beyond The Headlines - 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake in Jamaica. Radio Jamaica 94.5FM Radio Interview (15min)
JIS Live - Earthquake Preparedness Planning. JIS Media Interview (45min)
Get the Facts Earthquake Response. Jamaica Information Service - JIS TV Interview (7 minutes)
Earthquake Awareness Week Launch - 2023. Nationwide 90FM Radio Interview (5 minutes)
Should we be worried about so many felt earthquakes?. RJR Radio Interview
Why is Jamaica having so many felt earthquakes?. Nationwide Radio Interview
The 26th August earthquake. HITZ (Crazy Jenny) Radio Interview
The 26th August earthquake. Nationwide Radio Interview
The 3rd August earthquake.. RJR Radio Radio Interview