Additional Courses or Extra Credit

Additional courses or extra credits are those taken in excess of the number of courses normally permitted in any semester or academic year.

It is important to note that full-time students are billed per annum while part-time students are billed per credit. 


Students are eligible for extra credits if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • Finalizing Students.  Finalising status applies to full-time students with fewer than 15 courses remaining and part-time students with fewer than 10 courses remaining to complete their programme.
  • Full-time students who have obtained a GPA of 3.0 or above after completing 45 credits.
  • Part-time students who have obtained a GPA of 3.0 or above after completing 20 credits.
  • Full-time students pursuing a double major are eligible after completing 45 credits, while part-time students become eligible after completing 20 credits.
  • Part-time students who have satisfied the requirements for full-time matriculation.
  • Full-time students who have pursued 4 courses instead of 5 in the preceding semester.
  • Part-time students who have pursued 2 courses instead of 3 in the preceding semester.

  1. Accesss Student Administration System (SAS)
  2. Click on "Enter Secure Area"
  3. Enter your identification number and password
  4. From the "Main Menu", select "Student Services"
  5. Select Registration
  6. Select academic year and semester
  7. Select Look-Up Classes to Add
  8. Search for course(s) to add
  9. Choose Department
  10. Select course(s)
  11. Select request override (maximum credit override)

Note: If the class is closed the student will require an approval from the lecturer.

How to Apply for Additional Courses

The Faculty Office is the final decision level for this request type and is committed to a response time of 10 business days after the request has been made.

Additional Courses Processing Steps