Dean's Welcome and Message - 2023/24

I am pleased to welcome each of you to the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), the home of the Tigers, where strength, determination and resilience are on full display! You’re joining us in the Diamond Jubilee (75th) year of the UWI. You’ve made an excellent decision in selecting one of our programmes to get you started on your higher education journey, and I trust that you will absolutely enjoy the journey. As you embark on your programme, remember how privileged you are, and how much potential you already possess. You’re not here by chance. You worked hard, and you’re here on your own merit! Continue the commitment to personal growth and development, ensuring to incorporate the values of integrity and honesty, and ethics. We expect that in doing so, you will respect the UWI’s rules, regulations, and policies, and will respect yourselves and others.

The Faculty boasts excellent lecturers who will train you in your respective disciplines and help guide you along your career paths. You will be expected, however, to be self-directed, intimate with your course outlines and required readings, to manage your time effectively, and show strong analytical and critical thinking skills. We also hope that you will explore courses that intrigue you and challenge pre-set assumptions, and that you will follow your curiosity. The Faculty also boasts excellent administrators who will provide the support services necessary for you to navigate life in the Faculty. Remember that as adults you are in charge of your destinies and progress.  If, however, you feel overwhelmed by the work demands, or the pressures of balancing everything, or of life in general, please seek help immediately. You may reach out to your lecturers or academic advisors, but professional help may be secured from the Health Centre’s counselling services. You are never alone on this journey!

In addition to your in-course academic training, the Faculty provides opportunities for internships and experiential learning. There are also many extracurricular activities and Clubs and Societies aligned with your passions and interests. So, seek out new experiences, and let the rich, vibrant tapestry of campus life shape your perspectives and broaden your horizons.

You have the potential to achieve great things, and to contribute outstandingly and be impactful.  I assure you that the Faculty will be your ally as you navigate your UWI journey.




Heather Ricketts, PhD

Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences