Leave of Absence

A candidate who does not wish to commence studies during the year he or she was offered a place in the Faculty may apply for deferral of entry through the Admissions Sections of the Registry.

A student who, for good reason, wishes to be absent from an academic programme for a semester or more must apply for formal leave of absence to the Campus Academic Board, through the appropriate Dean, stating the reason for the application.

The length of such leave of absence, if granted, will be subject to approval by the Academic Board of the Campus concerned, but will not exceed one academic year in the first instance terminating at the end of the academic year for which the application is approved.

Leave of absence will not be granted for more than two consecutive academic years or four semesters over the life of a student’s programme.

Applications for leave of absence for Semester I and Semester II must be made before the end of the first week of October and before the end of the second week of February, respectively.

Applications made after the periods indicated above may be subject to a fine to be determined by the Academic Board. The amount of the fine may increase depending on the lateness of the request.

Students who have been attending classes and who requested leave of absence after the above-mentioned dates will normally have to pay a fine equivalent to 50% of the regular tuition fee if their requests are recommended by the Faculty and approved by the Academic Board.