Exchange and Study Abroad Programme

Exchange Programme Regulations
  • Students may seek to do part of their programme at another university for a maximum of two semesters which must not include the final semester of full time study.
  • Students must have the courses they intend to do at the overseas university assessed for equivalence by the relevant Department at Mona before proceeding to study abroad.
  • The grade recorded for each course completed in the exchange programme will depend on the grade awarded at the partnering university and the equivalencies established by the Mona Academic Board.
  • Students must be enrolled as full time and completed one academic year at UWI Mona and have attained at least a cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Students should not have been subjected to any disciplinary action or any such action pending against him/her.
  • The letter grade awarded for a course offered by an approved overseas university will be accepted without change. Where an institution does not offer letter grade, a determination is made by the Dean.

Application Guidelines

  • Students must  complete and submit the Exchange/Study Abroad Application form to the respective departments for review and approval of proposed courses. Upon approval by the Department, the student must submit the signed form to the Faculty Office for ratification.
  • Students must simultaneously complete and submit the Exchange Programme form on the Automated Student Request System via SAS to obtain Board approval.
  • The request to study abroad and the course(s) approved by the department must then be submitted to the Admissions & International Office. 
  • Students must register for the approved Mona-equivalent courses at the beginning of the semester for which they were approved for exchange.