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Medical Physics (BSc.)

Programme Overview

A major in Medical Physics will have a student learning all about the application of Physics in Medicine. The student will become proficient in the Physics of the human body and techniques used for therapy and imaging.

It also involves the familiarization with several machines used in healthcare. This major will allow students to further their interest in medicine and Physics while doing practical work which encourages good health practices.

Programme Objectives

  1. To provide education for undergraduate students in preparation for careers in Medical Physics.
  2. To build local capacity for sustainable education, training and research in Medical Physics.
  3. To produce graduates who are capable of undertakingt further study in Medical Physics.
  4. To provide a solid foundation in Medical Physics.
  5. To develop students' personal skills and professional qualities.
  6. To emphasise transferable skills e.g. team work, find solutions to problems, express problems in mathematical language, organise and manage time effectively, communicate medical physics ideas clearly and succinctly, think logically and construct logical arguments.

Admission Requirements

CAPE Physics (1 & 2) or CAPE Physics (1) and CAPE Maths (1 & 2)

Programme Structure

Careers after Graduation

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