This report represents a retrospective case series of males with sickle cell disease who have recurrent episodes of ischaemic priapism and were being treated with hydroxyurea for other indications. We evaluated the changes in priapism episodes in these patients.
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The authors report on the incidence, pattern, natural history and outcome of priapism in 162 male patients with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease who have been followed from birth for periods up to 40 years.
Objectives: To describe the incidence, pattern, and outcome of priapism in homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease.
Methods: Regular review, for periods up to 40 years was done, of all 162 males with SS disease detected during the screening of 100 000 consecutive non-operative deliveries at the main government maternity hospital in Kingston, Jamaica, between June 1973 and December 1981.