Achieving functional independence is the rehabilitation goal for amputees as this leads to a better quality of life (QOL). This study examined the relationship between QOL and functional independence
of lower limb diabetic amputees one to three years post amputation. It also explored the relationship between QOL and functional independence with demographic characteristics.
Objective: To determine the QOL and functional independence of lower limb diabetic amputees one to three years post amputation, using variables such as age, gender and amputation level.
Overall quality of life in patients with end stage renal disease is good. Domain of highest concern were burden of kidney disease and patient satisfaction.
Background: Quality of Life (QOL) in patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is an important measure of dialysis adequacy. Health related QOL is an independent risk factor for mortality in ESRD. The Kidney Disease QOL questionnaire is a highly validated disease targeted instrument with global application. We sought to document QOL and the predictive factors in a cohort of patients with ESRD in Jamaica and Panama.
The significant relationship between unmnet needs and quality of life in breast cancer patients may be
improved with interventions for patients’ psychosocial needs. This will require re-evaluation of doctor-patient communication.
Objective: Breast cancer is an important disease and one where healthcare services have the potential to improve the quality of life. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between unmet needs and the quality of life (QoL) of breast cancer patients.