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Making a Country More Entrepreneurial: Policy Choices and Implications For Jamaica


Notes and Comments

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A Commentary on SMEs in Brazil: Lessons for Jamaica and the Caribbean


This article is a commentary on primary research conducted in 2014 on the
SME sector in Brazil. Its purpose is to provide broad policy recommendations
for MSME development and engagement in Jamaica and
CARICOM. The main aim of the research is to identify best practices
within the Brazilian SME sector which can be adapted to the CARICOM
context. This is in an effort to stimulate discussions and future research
within the area. The article briefly examines two of the largest nongovernmental
organizations in Brazil (SEBRAE and CNI) which focus on

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Price: USD $10.00
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Knowledge Management Systems for Small Family-Owned Businesses—The Case of the English-speaking Caribbean


Small family-owned businesses (FOBs) represent an important sector of
the economy in the English-speaking Caribbean (ESC). But the
generational transition and longevity of these businesses is threatened by
the depletion of key areas of knowledge, due in part to inadequate
knowledge management; and compounded by the unstructured and
informal nature of these businesses.
Drawing on data from Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago,
and using a Design Science approach, this article proposes a knowledge

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Price: USD $10.00
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Barriers to Entrepreneurship and Innovation: An Institutional Analysis of Mobile Banking in Jamaica and Kenya


Growth in mobile phone penetration is one of the most significant
technological developments in human history, spurring a number of
innovations and entrepreneurial opportunities. Among these is the
conduct of monetary transactions via the mobile phone, which promises to
revolutionise access to financial services and opportunities for business
and entrepreneurship in developing countries. However, whereas mobile
banking via M-Pesa has revolutionised financial services and access in

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Price: USD $10.00
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A Sectoral Analysis of E-Money Consumption and Growth


This article investigates the relationship between e-money, consumption
and sectoral growth in Jamaica using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag
(ARDL) model. Using this technique, we evaluate whether e-money has a
long run relationship with the real economy. The definition of e-money is
restricted in this article to card payments. Both the size of card payments
and the payment penetration were evaluated. Card payments were
disaggregated into internet, point of sale (POS) and automated bank

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Price: USD $10.00
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Social Entrepreneurship Practices for Accountability of NPOS In Small Island Economies: Trinidad & Tobago


Non-profit organisations (NPOs) are mistrusted, due to a percep-tion that
they are ineffective, poorly managed, and dependent on financial support.
This has led to demands for more accountability and for more business-like
While International NPOs have embraced key social entrepreneurship
(SE) practices, there is little empirical evidence that these
practices ensure accountability. This article addresses that information gap
from a conceptual and contextual perspective, demonstrating that

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Price: USD $10.00
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Country Conditions and FDI Inflows to Small Island Developing States (SIDS)


Macro-economic conditions in host countries influence the direction of
foreign direct investments flows. This article, using a 12-year panel data
(2000-2011) for 35 SIDS, modelled the relationship between country
conditions in the host country and the flow of FDIs to SIDS, an understudied
location in the FDI literature. Using the eclectic paradigm as the
main theoretical lens, the study modelled the critical variables that are
defined as country conditions, to measure their impact on FDI flows to

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Price: USD $10.00
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Breaking the Barriers: Entrepreneurship, Enterprise, Competitiveness and Growth in the Caribbean


This article introduces the special issue to the Inaugural Conference on
Business and Management hosted by the Mona School of Business and
Management in 2015. It pulls together the main findings, arguments and
perspectives of those papers that were most closely aligned with the theme
of the conference. In so doing, it focuses on the challenges to increasing
entrepreneurship, enterprise, competitiveness and growth in Small Island
Developing States (SIDS), such as those in the Caribbean, and the strategies

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Price: USD $10.00
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The Experiences of Caribbean Migrant Farmworkers in Ontario, Canada


Securing a reliable work force for Canada’s agricultural sector has been
challenging (Ferguson 2007). Canada has sought to meet these challenges
through its Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP), a managed
migration programme that brings temporary workers to Canada. The
experiences of farm workers have garnered much attention over the last
two decades but relatively little has been written about the experiences of
Caribbean workers. This paper is based on a qualitative study of farm

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Price: USD $10.00
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The European Legal Framework in the French Caribbean


Martinique, a French territory, is geographically located in the Caribbean
Sea. It is also an associate member of a number of regional organizations
in the area, such as the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), the United
Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
(ECLAC) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). Its
application to become an associate member of the Caribbean Community
(CARICOM), submitted in 2014, is pending. This paper presents the

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Price: USD $10.00
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