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The Caribbean Sea Commission (CSC): defining the ‘Special Area’


The Caribbean Sea Commission (CSC) was established by the
Association of Caribbean States (ACS) in 2007, as a structured
mechanism to promote the sustainable development of the
Caribbean Sea (Association of Caribbean States 2007, 2). Chief
among its mandates is the elaboration of the Caribbean Sea
Initiative (CSI)—the proposal tabled by Member States of the ACS
at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1999, calling
for designation of the Caribbean Sea, as a ‘special area,’ within the

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Organizing For Good Fisheries Governance in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)


Three important fisheries initiatives in the Caribbean Large Marine
Ecosystem (CLME) are the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk
Organisations (CNFO), the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism
(CRFM) and the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy
(CCCFP). We examine the recent development of the CNFO from an
institutional analysis perspective. This highlights the interaction, or lack
of it, with the CRFM and CCCFP. We argue that a regional fisherfolk
organization, such as the CNFO, can play a critical role in fisheries

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Ocean Governance and the Ocean Commissioner in the Pacific


Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) that make up the
Pacific Islands Ocean region are guardians of a vast area of the
earth’s surface, covering at least 40 million square kilometers. The
ocean comprises around 98 percent of the region. Pacific Islanders
are people of the sea. They derive significant social, economic and
environmental benefit from the ocean, recognizing that the ocean is
their greatest natural asset.
Pacific Island countries have made numerous commitments at

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Linking Caribbean Ocean Governance Efforts to Global Arrangements


The critically important goods and services from marine ecosystems of the
Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) are threatened by both intra-regional and
extra-regional forces, leading to pollution, overexploitation and habitat
destruction, with climate change adding a layer of uncertainty in terms of
impacts. To address these challenges, there appears to be an emerging
structure that suggests an enhanced global-regional linkage of ocean
governance arrangements is a necessity in the post-2015 arena. We argue

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An Ocean Policy for the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR)1


Countries of the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) have committed to ocean
governance, also, to sustainable development. The two pursuits are
interlinked, and must be pursued in tandem, and in an integrated way, to
achieve these goals. Often they are not, and fragmented ocean governance
and disconnect between ocean governance and sustainable development
results. The WCR needs an ocean policy to integrate its ocean governance
into an overarching vision of sustainable development to enhance its

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The Prevalence and Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence in Jamaica


This study seeks to identify the factors associated with recent physical and
sexual forms of intimate partner violence (IPV) using a nationally
representative sample of 9,641 women involved in at least one sexual
partnership in their lifetime. Women were asked questions about the
specific act of physical and sexual abuse by a previous or existing male
partner. Five broad categories involving the socio-demographic
background, household characteristics, socialization towards violence,

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Avoiding Vertical Inefficiencies in Funding Tertiary Level Education (TLE) in Resource Abundant States


This paper reviews the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses
(GATE) programme in a small petroleum exporting economy. The GATE
Programme was launched in 2004 to provide financial assistance to
citizens for studies undertaken within specified institutions.
Persons participating in the GATE programme are required to serve
a period of national service, however, no systems have been established to
ensure the fulfilment of the required service period. The universal issuance

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East Indians in the United States Virgin Islands


The following article analyses the arrival, settlement, identity and
participation of a small South Asian diasporic minority group, comprising
mainly East Indians from India and Trinidad, in the United States Virgin
Islands (USVI). It reveals that East Indians do not fit into the general
definition of minority groups in the USVI or even in the wider Caribbean.
They have neither been singled out openly for differential and unequal
treatment nor exposed to constant incidents of discrimination. These East

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Right Theory, Wrong Variable: Foreign Variables and Monetary Policy in Jamaica


The quantity theory of money suggests there is an unambiguous causal
relationship between money supply and price level. Quarterly data from
Jamaica for a 28-year period (1980-2008) reveal that two other variables
exert influence on the price level. The first causal relationship is between
changes in the exchange rate and the price level. The second is between US
money supply and Jamaica’s price level. These results suggest that
monetary policy in small open economies may not, by itself, tame
inflationary pressures (JEL E31, F31).

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Social Media as a Tool for Transnational Caregiving within the Caribbean Diaspora


Despite being separated by great geographical distances, the transnational
Caribbean community has managed to stay in regular communication
with those in the “home” country using the latest available technologies.
The preliminary findings of this exploratory study suggest that new media
(Facebook, Skype, and YouTube) facilitate multi-directional caring and a
“new” form of caring for family, kin and friends. The research also
connects social media and caring for individuals as they are aging in the

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