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Family Structure, Parental Monitoring and Marijuana Use among Adolescents in Jamaica: Findings from Nationally Representative Data

This study analysed the role of the family as a determinant of marijuana use among the Jamaican secondary school population. Results demonstrated that parental involvement carried more weight in influencing marijuana use than family structure and gender which showed no significant difference.


Objective: Marijuana misuse by adolescents is a social and public mental health problem in Jamaica and globally. Research has suggested that family structure is one of the factors that influences adolescents’ consumption of marijuana. This study was undertaken to determine if family structure and parental monitoring had any association with marijuana use among adolescents in Jamaica.

23 Oct, 2017
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e-Published: 30 Nov, 2017

Comparative Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Common Carotid Artery between Young and Old Specimen

The morphology and longitudinal tensile properties of carotid artery in elderly group of changed.


Objective: This study aimed to perform the carotid artery stretching experiments with young and elderly corpse for the study of carotid atherosclerosis pathogenesis and biomechanical basis.

Methods: 15 carotid arteries were randomly selected from young and elderly groups, respectively, for the longitudinal tensile test, and 1 specimens of each group was randomly selected for the morphological observation.

18 May, 2015
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e-Published: 18 Nov, 2015


Manuscripts that are Published Ahead of Print have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the West Indian Medical Journal. They may appear in their original format and may not be copy edited or formatted in the style guide of this Journal. While accepted manuscripts are not yet assigned a volume, issue or page numbers, they can be cited using the DOI and date of e-publication. See our Instructions for Authors on how to properly cite manuscripts at this stage. The contents of the manuscript may change before it is published in its final form. Manuscripts in this section will be removed once they have been issued to a volume and issue, but will still retain the DOI and date of e-publication.

Sociodemographic and Behavioural Characteristics of Youth Reporting HIV Testing in Three Caribbean Countries

This article examines HIV testing prevalence among youth as well as the characteristics of youth who report that they were tested. It utilized data from the AIDS Indicator Survey of Guyana and the Demographic and Health Surveys of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.


Objectives: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing is the gateway to treatment and care of HIV infection, however, little is known about the HIV testing behaviours among Caribbean youth. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of HIV testing and to examine associations of HIV testing with sociodemographic characteristics and risk behaviours.

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e-Published: 30 Jan, 2014

Suicide Ideation in Jamaican Youth: Sociodemographic Prevalence, Protective and Risk Factors

The prevalence of suicide ideation among Jamaican youth is 9.7%.


Objective: To determine the prevalence of suicidal ideation and examine the association between suicidal ideation and sociodemographic characteristics, protective and risk factors among Jamaican

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e-Published: 24 Oct, 2013

Eliminating Vertically-transmitted HIV/AIDS while Improving Access to Treatment and Care for Women, Children and Adolescents in Jamaica

Over the past nine years, Jamaica has made excellent strides to eliminate vertically transmitted HIV/AIDS, while reducing the HIV-attributable morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and in HIV-infected children. Continued successful transition of HIV-infected children through adolescence into adulthood will require a strong multidisciplinary team approach.


Background and Methods: To celebrate Jamaica’s 50th birthday after receiving independence from Great Britain, we summarize our collaborative published research in the prevention, treatment and care of paediatric, perinatal and adolescent HIV/AIDS in Jamaica.

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e-Published: 21 Aug, 2013

Evidence on Delay in Sexual Initiation, Multiple Partnerships and Condom Use among Young People: Review of Caribbean HIV Behavioural Studies

Caribbean sexual behaviour surveys with youth were reviewed. Findings included inconsistent condom use, early sexual initiation, intergenerational sex among females and multiple partnerships among males. To strengthen the regional picture, further standardization of research methods is needed.

Objective: To develop a Caribbean regional profile of youth sexual behaviour associated with risk of HIV.

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e-Published: 14 Aug, 2013
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