Access to digitised photocopies is provided from the Library's OPAC. These may be read or printed from ALL computers in the library or off Campus.
The Electronic Reserves Collection of the University of the West Indies Library is maintained for the non-profit educational use of students and faculty and as such, access to the pages is granted only to registered students and current faculty and staff of the University of the West Indies, Mona.
"It is the policy of the University of the West Indies to respect copyright and also to benefit from the provisions of the law that permit certain acts to be done in relation to protected works without infringing copyright.
The electronic reserves have been provided by the Mona Library on the basis of specific permission received from some authors, exceptions to infringement under Jamaican Copyright Act relating to fair dealing (Sections 52 -54) and certain exceptions affecting libraries and archives (Section 62). Items provided via electronic reserves remain subject to copyright protection and are available only to UWI staff and registered students."
To access these items in conformity with the above regulation, you will be prompted for an account on the Campus network.
Your response:
Username: Your 8 digit ID Number
Password: Initially set to your date of birth (YYYYMMDD) - See below
Domain information is as follows:
If the prompt screen does not display the DOMAIN field, then please enter your username using the format:
Domain\idnumber e.g.
username: students\03030300
Password Note: If you have logged into the campus network before, you would have been prompted to change your password from your Date of Birth. In this case, you should use the NEW password and NOT your Date of Birth.
Remember that MITS sets your password to expire in 42 days, so please renew password when you are prompted to do so.
Click here to access the Electronic Reserve Collection.
If you do not remember your new password or if you are still experiencing problems, please contact the MITS Helpdesk Ext. 2442 or 2992.