Edward Kamau Brathwaite
Edward Kamau Brathwaite
“A Class Act: Celebrating Louise Bennett-Coverley” is an exhibition on show at the Main Library from October 22 – November 30, 2019. It highlights Miss Lou’s contribution to teaching and academia, her publications and influence on scholarship along with video interviews with this cultural icon. This display is a part of campus wide activities “One Hundred Days of Celebration: Louise Bennett Centennial” being coordinated by the Institute for Gender and Development Studies, Regional Coordinating Office (IGDS RCO), UWI.
50 Select Distinguished University of the West Indies, Mona Faculty and Nation-builders. In 2012, The University of the West Indies achieved 50 years of being an autonomous degree granting institution. In recognition of this significant milestone, the Mona Library mounted an exhibition. This exhibition featured a select grouping of 50 distinguished UWI Mona scholars, representing disciplines from the then four (4) faculties (Humanities and Education; Medical Sciences; Pure and Applied Sciences & Social Sciences). These scholars were deemed to have contributed significantly to the development of The University of the West Indies, as an intellectual hub of the Caribbean region. Comprised of seven panels, this exhibition is intended to inform about pioneering, diligent and continuous research and community service of Mona Campus faculty.
Kenneth Everard Niven Ingram, OD, Dlitt, Mphil, FLA, BA was an academic librarian, bibliographer, historian and poet. He served for a decade as the University Librarian from 1971-1981. Ingram was the third holder of this post. Over his academic career, Ingram contributed significantly to advancing West Indian History research, and to the development of The University of the West Indies, Mona Library. This exhibition were originally mounted in 2014 to accompany the inaugural staging of the Kenneth E. Ingram Memorial Lecture. The four (4) panels comprising this exhibition are intended to inform about the man and his contributions to scholarship.
This online display commemorates Reggae Month 2019 and the two significant achievements concerning Reggae Music. Firstly, Reggae music is 50 years old this year, secondly, Reggae music has been recognized as a truly international phenomena.
In November 2018, Reggae Music of Jamaica was inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) list of intangible treasures for the whole of humanity. This is a significant achievement for Jamaica. The country boasts significant cultural influence which belies is comparatively miniature size, both in population and in land mass.
This Awards ceremony organised by The UWI Alumni Association (UWIAA) will recognize seven alumni, selected by their peers and representing each decade from 1948 to present. Awardees chosen for their significant contribution to their communities and areas of endeavour.
The P.J. Patterson Collection officially received by The University of the West Indies.
The Most Honourable P.J. Patterson, ON, OCC, PC, QC, former Prime Minister of Jamaica, on Tuesday, April 25, 2018, formally deposited a collection of papers with The University of the West Indies (UWI). At a function held at the Regional Headquarters the Vice-Chancellor receiving the collection on behalf of The UWI described Mr. Patterson as “… an extraordinary history maker….”. The UWI, prides itself on being the Caribbean region’s premier research institution, the Mona Library will be the home for the collection.
Dudley Joseph Thompson was born in Panama on January 19, 1917, to Daniel and Ruby Thompson. He had seven siblings. His father, a teacher and his mother, a seamstress, were part of masses Jamaicans who went to Panama and helped to build the Panama Canal. The family returned to Jamaica to settle in Darliston, Westmoreland in the late 1920s.
So you have this essay, term paper or Literature Review to write? What must you do?
There are several steps to take to ensure that you produce a high quality paper.
This exhibition is designed to assist students in examining the key areas that will guide them in developing excellent research and writing skills.
The Science Branch library has created an exhibition on “Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)”. The aim of the exhibition is to highlight the work of women scientists (professors and doctors) in the Faculty of Science & Technology at the University of the West Indies, Mona. It also seeks to call attention to the burgeoning STEM concept in Jamaica.